- U.S. News: bTendo, STMicroelectronics to develop world's smallest smartphone projector: ... NV (NYSE... http://bit.ly/gXL6c4#smartphone
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- EU News: Smartphone content demand set to soar: There will be more smartphones sold than non-smartph... http://bit.ly/e3mT5i#smartphone
- EU News: Android moves to world's No. 2 smartphone OS: The smartphone market remained concentrated i... http://bit.ly/hN3p3r#smartphone
- U.S. News: GCI unveiling prepaid smartphone plan: by Staff Report / newsroom@newsminer.com FAIRBANKS... http://bit.ly/i22ju8#smartphone
- EU News: Mobile World Congress 2011: Navigation In Barcelona – NDrive: ... Barcelona map for Android... http://bit.ly/epr8Ss#smartphone
- EU News: Phone firms hope to gain in Spain [Sunday Herald (Scotland)]: (Sunday Herald (Scotland) Via... http://bit.ly/dS5JiQ#smartphone
- EU News: Innovation: The woes of world's top R&D spenders - - Nokia and Big Pharma: Apple launched t... http://bit.ly/gic1bQ#smartphone
- EU News: FIRST PICTURES: New Nokia Windows Smartphones: By David Richards | Sunday | 13/02/2011 The ... http://bit.ly/e7dvUd#smartphone
- Blog: てんこもり。 【スマートフォン】Android au REGZA Phone IS04 の ...: au REGZA Phone IS04 [2月10日発売] ~大画面でレグザの映像美を... http://bit.ly/h0pM8U#smartphone
- U.S. News: Galaxy S II smartphone and Galaxy Tab II tablet in the works: Samsung will unveil the nex... http://bit.ly/eOKOPs#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Smartphone race heats up: Nokia gears for submit, pacts with Windows phone 7: ... announc... http://bit.ly/g0BxK7#smartphone
- EU News: Telefonica's Matthew Key: 'Your phone will be a remote control for your life': On Friday, N... http://bit.ly/huNcpO#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Nokia 'Pees in the Cold to Stay Warm' After All: He's gone, and today, Nokia did the once... http://bit.ly/f4IiFC#smartphone
- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-02-12: News: ノキア、スマートフォンでMSと提携:「Windows Phone」採用: 携帯電話最大手のノキアと米マイクロソ... http://bit.ly/g5Xh4h#smartphone
- EU News: RIM, Motorola, Qualcomm get boost from Nokia: s switch to Windows Phone 7 for its future sm... http://bit.ly/hSLYRT#smartphone
- Blog: スマートフォン購入 - 日々の記録: 前から興味があったスマートフォンにしてしまった。お金もないのにまたやってしまった 。 なので、携帯から投稿してみるテスト。 携帯電話の販売店さんも忙し... http://bit.ly/hUkcrB#smartphone
- U.S. News: Hitachi Announces iPhone-Beating Smartphone Screen: Apple's 3.5-inch Retina Display is ce... http://bit.ly/g1kyaC#smartphone
- News: medibaとKDDI、スマートフォン向け広告配信サービス「mediba ad ネットワーク スマートフォン」を開始: 株式会社medibaとKDDI株式会社は、スマートフォン向け広告配信... http://bit.ly/dFZfPF#smartphone
- EU News: ViewSonic Unveils Multi-Use Tablet, Smartphone at MWC: "Our V350 Smartphone is one of the m... http://bit.ly/gCuozF#smartphone
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