
スマートフォン関連情報 2011-05-04

  1. EU News: HTC ChaCha Facebook Phone Possible Release Dates Revealed: The Android packing HTC ChaCha s... http://bit.ly/iMif9z#smartphone
  2. News: 緊急時に単3電池4本で充電できるスマートフォン向け充電器、サンワサプライが発売: サンワサプライは2011年4月28日、外出先でのバッテリー切れなどの緊急時に、単3型アルカリ乾電池を使って... http://bit.ly/kkKaJg#smartphone
  3. U.S. News: AT&T Goes Small With HP Veer 4G: The new HP Veer 4G*, the size of a credit card and no th... http://bit.ly/muCAQe#smartphone
  4. Blog: 午後の蒐集 : iPhoneユーザーの3割が2台持ちで「通話はガラケー ...: スマートフォンと一般の携帯電話との2台持ちが決して珍しくはない現状は、上手に ニーズをつかむことが できれ... http://bit.ly/lVKGeA#smartphone
  5. U.S. News: MetroPCS smartphone momentum grows as do its costs: by Kevin FitchardMay 4th, 2011 Smartp... http://bit.ly/lN6SKC#smartphone
  6. EU News: TV ownership expected to decline in the US – economics, platforms and digital ...: Watching... http://bit.ly/j0t2PU#smartphone
  7. News: 本田雅一の週刊モバイル通信: いまさら言うまでもなく、スマートフォンは増加の一途を辿っている。iPhoneが火を付けたブームは今、iPhoneブームからスマートフォンブームへと燃え広がった... http://bit.ly/kIIfrh#smartphone
  8. U.S. News: HOW TO: Find Freelance Work On A Smartphone: Gigwalk wants to put your smartphone to work... http://bit.ly/jC4AYU#smartphone
  9. EU News: Vodafone HTC Sensation pre-orders open ahead of May 19 release: Vodafone UK have begun taki... http://bit.ly/jWkNCe#smartphone
  10. U.S. News: Vietnam: Smartphones Gain Toehold In Domestic Market: HANOI, May 4 (Bernama) -- Smartphon... http://bit.ly/lRNJiX#smartphone
  11. EU News: Viewster Android app to launch first across Europe with Motorola: Motorola will carry the V... http://bit.ly/iPgjWg#smartphone
  12. News: iPhoneユーザー、3割がガラケー2台持ち 使い勝手と通信費、両立は可能か: 「iPhone」などのスマートフォンが普及する中で、以前使っていた携帯電話の使い勝手のよさが忘れられないユー... http://bit.ly/m9QOrX#smartphone
  13. U.S. News: SK Telecom 1st-Quarter Net Rises 57% Led by Smartphone, Apple IPhone Sales: By Jun Yang -... http://bit.ly/lFi0bW#smartphone
  14. News: MSがRIMと提携、BlackBerryでBing採用へ: 「敵の敵は味方」という話はよく聞くが、ここスマートフォン業界ではその勢力図がはっきりとしてきたようだ。米Microsoft CE... http://bit.ly/iLiOWw#smartphone
  15. U.S. News: Verizon: Citadel Says 'Reduce'; Smartphone, ARPU Goals Unrealistic: Yin calculates that V... http://bit.ly/mquiTu#smartphone
  16. News: ラ・フォル・ジュルネ金沢、ARとツイッターを利用したアプリで音楽祭をさらに楽しむ試み: そこでは、AR(拡張現実感)とツイッターを組み合わせて利用するスマートフォンアプリを提供し、音楽祭を... http://bit.ly/lME6Jk#smartphone
  17. U.S. News: Smartphone set to pass PC as online shopping mode: By Irene Tham The prevalence of smartp... http://bit.ly/mtWV9f#smartphone
  18. EU News: Sony, Apple Must Fix User Trust in Privacy, EU Official Says: By Stephanie Bodoni - Tue May... http://bit.ly/iPoqVh#smartphone
  19. EU News: Upcoming Motorola Dual-Display Phone Leaked: This upcoming smartphone from Motorola would b... http://bit.ly/j8MQMo#smartphone
  20. Blog: 加RIM、企業向けスマートフォン管理ソリューションのubitexx買収へ ...: マイコミジャーナル加RIM、企業向けスマートフォン管理ソリューションのubitexx買収へ マイコミジャ... http://bit.ly/lQ6aoF#smartphone
  21. U.S. News: Sprint readying low-cost 4G Android smartphone?: It's possible that Sammy's new device wi... http://bit.ly/izdsgF#smartphone
  22. EU News: Tech's Top 25: He's gained a reputation for forward thinking, for instance, in creating IT ... http://bit.ly/m8XjLU#smartphone
  23. U.S. News: 5 steps to escape digital slavery: Can't put the smartphone down at dinner? Prefer to ema... http://bit.ly/jXToGd#smartphone
  24. News: シェアを伸ばすAndroidを襲った「駆除できないウイルス」の恐怖: 前回は、スマートフォンを狙うモバイルマルウェアの現状として、Symbian端末とiPhoneを狙う脅威の現状を紹介した... http://bit.ly/kEvIPB#smartphone
  25. EU News: Samsung Galaxy S II trickles out across Europe: The smartphone has landed in the warehouse ... http://bit.ly/iXsw2k#smartphone
  26. U.S. News: Now It's Official: Guinness Certifies Optimus 2X As First Dual-Core Smartphone: ... there... http://bit.ly/jyZbJw#smartphone
  27. Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-05-03: EU News: Cellphone bills: what to watch for: McLeod writes th... http://bit.ly/l4UZBh#smartphone
  28. U.S. News: Smartphone Users Spending More Time Playing Games: By Joanna Mazewski | Tue May 03, 2011 ... http://bit.ly/lhjfJd#smartphone
  29. EU News: Pepsi Seeks More Innovative Digital, Social Startups: For example, Pepsi might carve out a ... http://bit.ly/kqN1JO#smartphone
  30. U.S. News: Smartphones save web as traffic rockets: But it appears the growth of smartphones helped ... http://bit.ly/lku9F1#smartphone
  31. U.S. News: Citadel on Verizon: 'Reduce': The bull thesis appears to be that rapidly rising smartphon... http://bit.ly/k2CVyZ#smartphone
  32. News: 世界初のタッチパネル式スマートフォンは1994年に発売、その名も「Simon」: 国内初のスマートフォン「W-ZERO3」はタッチパネルを備えており、2005年に登場しましたが、10年以上... http://bit.ly/j6FF0P#smartphone
  33. EU News: O2 Media signs The Co-operative for location-based marketing: It is also completely handset... http://bit.ly/iEvZVQ#smartphone

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