- EU News: FICO, Telrock partner to offer mobile payment applications: With Telrock's mobile payment a... http://bit.ly/htonHx#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Android will outshine Nokisoft, says ABI: LONDON – Smartphone shipments grew from 177 mil... http://bit.ly/fx6GWi#smartphone
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- U.S. News: For Each Soldier, a Smartphone: The US Army is experimenting with smartphone apps to give... http://bit.ly/dIgPc6#smartphone
- EU News: Uncovering the US LTE 'conspiracy': I haven't seen a commercial smartphone yet, but Verizon... http://bit.ly/em6HVw#smartphone
- News: BUG、FeliCa非搭載スマートフォンに対応モバイル販促用技術を開発: ビー・ユー・ジーは23日、FeliCa非搭載のスマートフォンで、おサイフケータイで実現していた来店時の付加サービス... http://bit.ly/exprHa#smartphone
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- U.S. News: 'Virtual Smartphone' Used as Both Android Machine, iPhone: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone... http://bit.ly/hDp6qu#smartphone
- News: 「2010年買い替えてよかった」薄型テレビ―価格.com 調査: 2010年は、家電では「エコポイント」の後押しを受けた、液晶テレビやプラズマテレビなどの「薄型テレビ」、情報家電系では「i... http://bit.ly/fuM5jI#smartphone
- U.S. News: 50 Free Apps for Your Android Smartphone: By Thor Olavsrud , February 22, 2011 With 20000... http://bit.ly/hEpwtY#smartphone
- News: S&I、スマホで卓上電話を駆逐する「uniConnect II」発表: 2月22日、ユニシスの子会社であるS&Iは、スマートフォン用の企業向け発信専用ダイヤラーアプリケーション「uniCo... http://bit.ly/gqxmPj#smartphone
- U.S. News: Your Smartphone Could Help You Avoid a Speeding Ticket: If he caught you speeding, sorry,... http://bit.ly/gp8CSU#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphone app lets you track your tax return's status: The IRS allows smartphone app use... http://bit.ly/hYa8ln#smartphone
- U.S. News: Zeus trojan is back and targeting Windows Mobile phones: 2011 likely to be a big year for... http://bit.ly/eR8iUM#smartphone
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- Blog: au IS03 スマートフォン用大容量バッテリー MUGEN POWER HLI-IS03XL ...: au IS03 スマートフォン用大容量バッテリー MUGEN POWER HLI-... http://bit.ly/igYqF0#smartphone
- EU News: Nokia: RBS Says Sell On Likely Share Loss: While WP7 is not a major success, Nokia manages ... http://bit.ly/g5vsi0#smartphone
- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-02-22: EU News: LTE in the Spotlight at Mobile World Congress: Much ... http://bit.ly/gq9z1M#smartphone
- EU News: Near Field Communications Coming to a Smartphone Near You: As NFC chips are becoming cheape... http://bit.ly/gx3n97#smartphone
- U.S. News: Quantum dot tech to revolutionise smartphone displays?: Smartphones could soon be created... http://bit.ly/hoSRJ7#smartphone
- EU News: FICO Offers Telrock Mobile Payment Apps to Help Clients Improve Customer ...: With Telrock'... http://bit.ly/emSWeD#smartphone
- U.S. News: Near Field Communications Coming to a Smartphone Near You: As captured in this recent Ass... http://bit.ly/dUANss#smartphone
- News: アイレップ、 PCサイトを自動変換する「スマートフォンサイト最適化支援サービス」開始: 検索エンジンマーケティングのアイレップは、PCサイトを「iPhone」や「Android」端末用に自... http://bit.ly/hS9BfL#smartphone
- U.S. News: GDC 2011: Metro Apps to Launch Exclusive UK and European Publishing Program ...: Mobile a... http://bit.ly/ihbdlJ#smartphone
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