- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-03-21: U.S. News: Splashtop Extends Product Family to Include Splash... http://bit.ly/eXwV5o#smartphone
- U.S. News: T-Mobile Sidekick 4G One of US Fastest Smartphones Running Kickbacks: T-Mobile has teamed... http://bit.ly/gV8EVq#smartphone
- EU News: Mobile marketing 'is about optimising': Google says the post is a response to research from... http://bit.ly/ejvbZO#smartphone
- News: 【震災関連情報】ドコモ、スマートフォンで「災害用伝言板」のサービスを開始: NTTドコモは、災害時に安否情報の登録・確認ができるサービス「災害用伝言板」を、3月18日午前6時からスマートフ... http://bit.ly/gF2XP2#smartphone
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