
スマートフォン関連情報 2011-05-05

  1. U.S. News: Smartphone apps for runners - you can track your distance, pace and elevation: This post ... http://bit.ly/kvyw8d#smartphone
  2. EU News: Android takes 35 percent share of the smartphone market: Overall, worldwide smart phone shi... http://bit.ly/jYfQYC#smartphone
  3. U.S. News: Meet the 'flexible' smartphone: Called PaperPhone, the smartphone is presently in prototy... http://bit.ly/l5wzXr#smartphone
  4. Blog: スクウェア・エニックスの新コンテンツ「Imaginary Range」が配信開始 ...: スクウェア・エニックスのスマートフォン向け新コンテンツ「Imaginary Range」が本日5... http://bit.ly/lvjjkj#smartphone
  5. EU News: The Start-app Nation: With the advent of the age of the smartphone, a great deal of technol... http://bit.ly/ihPqO0#smartphone
  6. U.S. News: World's most powerful smartphone uses fingerprint recognition: The phone is the new Motor... http://bit.ly/kzXSFX#smartphone
  7. EU News: Atmel's CEO Discusses Q1 2011 Results - Earnings Call Transcript: In the smartphone area of... http://bit.ly/ixepEz#smartphone
  8. U.S. News: Thin, flexible smartphone 'bends the rules' of input: By Chris Jablonski | May 4, 2011, 1... http://bit.ly/mR4Jmw#smartphone
  9. News: タッチスクリーンと最新OSに対応した「BlackBerry Bold 9900 / 9930」: カナダのResearch In Motion(RIM)は5月2日(現地時間)、同社スマート... http://bit.ly/kTSI9h#smartphone
  10. EU News: Samsung Galaxy S2 what's in the box?: By Jon on May 5th, 2011 The Samsung Galaxy S 2 will b... http://bit.ly/ipAqyI#smartphone
  11. U.S. News: Samsung Sells 120K Galaxy S II Smartphones In Three Days In Korea: Samsung managed to bre... http://bit.ly/kGcrAC#smartphone
  12. News: 除隊チョ・インソンにCM続々決定: 俳優チョ・インソンはアウトドア・ブランド「ブラック・ヤク」に続き、スマートフォンのCM出演も決まった。 SKテレシスは、同社の携帯電話ブランド『W』のイ... http://bit.ly/kWNZgl#smartphone
  13. EU News: Cheaponsale.com: Android Smart Phone Market Share Rose To 35%: According to the regional di... http://bit.ly/mfvMXE#smartphone
  14. U.S. News: Intel unveils faster chips, hopes to crack smartphone market: By AP AP Photo | JEFF CHIUA... http://bit.ly/itDaJF#smartphone
  15. U.S. News: Will Texas Instruments Power Your Next Watch?: Both are packed with smartphone-like senso... http://bit.ly/iH4aMt#smartphone
  16. EU News: QR codes: Black-and-white quick response codes are becoming hot: Thanks to increasingly pre... http://bit.ly/ipDwgg#smartphone
  17. News: 震災で変化するネットとの付き合い方: ただし、ノートパソコンを持ち歩いたり、iPadやスマートフォンを買うほどではない。 「私はパソコンからネットを始めたので、ずっと『ネットはパソコンで見... http://bit.ly/l2tKcT#smartphone
  18. U.S. News: Leap grows through the smartphone, but it's not keeping pace with Metro: by Kevin Fitchar... http://bit.ly/mwpmEL#smartphone
  19. News: プレイリストの作成方法からGoogleカレンダーの同期まで、Androidの標準アプリ使いこなし: Androidスマートフォンで写真と音楽を楽しむ方法を紹介しよう。写真は端末内で簡単なト... http://bit.ly/jgEUI9#smartphone
  20. U.S. News: A Privacy Warning for Smartphone Users: In today's high-tech age, your smartphone can be ... http://bit.ly/kw0QwW#smartphone
  21. EU News: A Privacy Warning for Smartphone Users: DJ: The theft of money from small and medium sized ... http://bit.ly/iHD6C9#smartphone
  22. U.S. News: Cellphones to avoid: We'd recommend almost any other Android handset, but if you absolute... http://bit.ly/iv3Kxf#smartphone
  23. U.S. News: Mobile mania: smartphone users dialing up health info; docs prefer Apple: Another day, an... http://bit.ly/jnF4ZX#smartphone
  24. Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-05-04: EU News: HTC ChaCha Facebook Phone Possible Release Dates Rev... http://bit.ly/mCCaPK#smartphone
  25. EU News: Ford Focus gets on-board WiFi… in Europe: The WiFi integrates with the later two, giving dr... http://bit.ly/kDOqY8#smartphone
  26. U.S. News: HP Veer 4G in stores May 15: And unlike seemingly every other smartphone, the Veer 4G won... http://bit.ly/jBlZt7#smartphone
  27. News: スマホのゲームに詳しいと女子にモテる!? NHN Japanがスマートフォンに対する意識調査結果を発表: ゲームポータルサイト“ハンゲーム”を運営するNHN Japanがスマートフォン利用... http://bit.ly/lSRlFO#smartphone
  28. EU News: Boingo Wireless Opens Down 7.4% After Its IPO: The company plans to increase its installed ... http://bit.ly/mNpaC3#smartphone
  29. U.S. News: Casio G'zOne Commando Rugged Android Smartphone Hands On (Video): Rugged smartphones aren... http://bit.ly/kZOGyr#smartphone

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