- EU News: Stocks Fell for the Week on Global Uncertainty (AAPL, AXP, BAC, BP, GPS, HPQ ...: Also prov... http://bit.ly/kwHwgJ#smartphone
- EU News: Android This Week: Acer A500 Reviewed; Android 2.3 Arriving; PayPal Deposits: Surprisingly,... http://bit.ly/lJscFE#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Top-rated reviews of the week (photos): The bottom line: The Samsung Nexus S 4G offers a ... http://bit.ly/kCAkGf#smartphone
- EU News: Sony to Release its 'Playstation Phone' on May 26: The Xperia smartphone was first unveiled... http://bit.ly/j8iRFO#smartphone
- U.S. News: 5 Great Smartphone Apps for Reading about Music: Eliot Van Buskirk is a longtime technolo... http://bit.ly/iQb6z1#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Verizon Announce the HTC Trophy, Windows Phone 7 Smartphone: Verizon have finally announc... http://bit.ly/lXqqq0#smartphone
- U.S. News: The Smartphone Alternative: By David F. Carr InformationWeek In some healthcare settings,... http://bit.ly/iPg2bO#smartphone
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- EU News: Are quick tap mobile payments the future?: According to research by Intelligent Environment... http://bit.ly/muUyWt#smartphone
- U.S. News: Protect the information on your smartphone: Just like the growth of the desktop anti-viru... http://bit.ly/m4leXg#smartphone
- EU News: Save the travel guidebooks: Do you really need that ratty, tatty guidebook now that you've ... http://bit.ly/muOe7J#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Ask Maggie: Five smartphone apps to try before the rapture: Naturally, you're wondering: ... http://bit.ly/iCiMse#smartphone
- EU News: PhanMail Friday: Back From Google I/O [May 20th, 2011]: That's not to say there isn'ta chan... http://bit.ly/iS76qv#smartphone
- U.S. News: A Week in Fixed Mobile Convergence: Partnerships, New Smartphone and Apps: By Stefanie Mo... http://bit.ly/iMoW8A#smartphone
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- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-05-20: News: 2軸回転式のディスプレイ搭載Androidスマートフォン「AQUOS PHONE THE HYBRID 007... http://bit.ly/kaJWCe#smartphone
- U.S. News: The Android Empire Rules the Smartphone World: The Android smartphone platform ruled the ... http://bit.ly/iZAGEt#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Google Android Now the Smartphone Leader: By Stuart J. Johnston: More stories by this aut... http://bit.ly/jmFH65#smartphone
- EU News: Sharp's flagship Android phones will come to US: At the time, it seemed like a long shot th... http://bit.ly/mImAyy#smartphone
- Blog: Google 検索と相性の良い携帯電話 / スマートフォン向けウェブサイトを ...: ウェブマスターの皆様から、モバイル向けウェブサイトはどのように作るのがベストな のか、ウェブサイトは... http://bit.ly/mBMCeq#smartphone
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