
スマートフォン関連情報 2011-05-29

  1. U.S. News: Samsung Infuse 4G review: big boy features, little boy price tag of only $129: Many times... http://bit.ly/iVzISX#smartphone
  2. U.S. News: NFC Smartphone Payments Flying High? Not For Coffee: And while waving your smartphone at ... http://bit.ly/mk58rl#smartphone
  3. News: サンワサプライ、iPhone・スマートフォンを車のダッシュボードに設置できる車載ホルダーを発売、動画で紹介: パソコン周辺機器の通販サイト「サンワダイレクト」は、クリップ式車載ホルダー「i... http://bit.ly/mr4Kqf#smartphone
  4. U.S. News: Day-to-day with the 11-inch MacBook Air and the iPad 2: Again, it's the smartphone-like i... http://bit.ly/lV6Eh4#smartphone
  5. News: メカニカルなキークリック感が得られるスマートフォン: KDDIは、タッチスクリーン上のソフトウェアキーボードにクリック感を与える技術を搭載した「新感覚スマートフォン」をワイヤレスジャパン2... http://bit.ly/itHtsK#smartphone
  6. U.S. News: There's an app forneeds on the road: Create a list through the website or with your Smart... http://bit.ly/mqoLco#smartphone
  7. EU News: Also in National News: AN innovative new app from Nokia and Independent.ie means you can no... http://bit.ly/ltMbJQ#smartphone
  8. U.S. News: Save The Date! Smart Wedding Invitations Use Smartphones: The two-dimensional bar codes, ... http://bit.ly/jd5je5#smartphone
  9. EU News: ComScore: Smartphones lift European m-banking usage: However, Germany, which has the highes... http://bit.ly/mMwDyp#smartphone
  10. U.S. News: ComScore: Smartphones lift European m-banking usage: The report found that smartphone use... http://bit.ly/kFX6rw#smartphone
  11. News: スマートフォン版『100万人のモンスターファーム』、サービス開始を延期: コーエーテクモゲームスは、スマートフォン版『100万人のモンスターファーム』のサービス開始を延期すると発表しました... http://bit.ly/mzb6gI#smartphone
  12. U.S. News: Google Wallet Brings Death To Your Real Wallet?: Google wallet, in collaboration with Cit... http://bit.ly/mjytcM#smartphone
  13. EU News: Packing too much high tech gear can be a load on the road: This Web site — http://www.slowt... http://bit.ly/mo3CAE#smartphone
  14. U.S. News: The Smartphone as Tour Guide for Central Park: Send tips via e-mail to appcity@nytimes.co... http://bit.ly/mwtjmD#smartphone
  15. EU News: What's a good cellphone for Europe?: International plans for our current cellphone carrier,... http://bit.ly/lHhhuF#smartphone
  16. Blog: Huaweiが3.7インチディスプレイのハイエンドなAndroidスマートフォン ...: 中国Huaweiは今年後半に”Vision”と呼ばれるAndroidスマートフォンを、同社が英国... http://bit.ly/iQIQnj#smartphone
  17. U.S. News: New Nokia Oro smartphone carved with immense grandeur: Users can now target their eyes on... http://bit.ly/jM92U6#smartphone
  18. News: フォースメディア、Bluetooth接続可能なFMトランスミッター: 携帯電話やスマートフォンとの接続にBluetooth(A2DPプロファイル)を利用する。これにより、携帯電話やスマート... http://bit.ly/lpHxxq#smartphone
  19. U.S. News: WebOS HP Veer 4G Unboxed on Video: If you are into the smaller sized smartphones and with... http://bit.ly/iX7mu6#smartphone
  20. Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-05-28: EU News: TECH ROUNDUP: Facebook (Almost) Becomes a Country, M... http://bit.ly/kzmONl#smartphone
  21. U.S. News: Almost Half of Canadians Aged 18-34 Own Smartphones: By Silvia Pikal, May 28, 2011 @ 9:09... http://bit.ly/jmWKby#smartphone
  22. EU News: Google Beats Apple To NFC Payments With 'Google Wallet': Google Wallet is intended to repla... http://bit.ly/msB5D1#smartphone
  23. U.S. News: Microsoft makes more profit from Android smartphones than Windows phones – pics: Bloggers... http://bit.ly/kJKPoJ#smartphone
  24. News: マイクロソフトとノキア、さらに緊密に - MSバルマーCEO「次世代携帯端末の共同開発も」: いっぽう、ノキアの携帯端末部門で責任者を務めるジョー・ハーロウ(Jo Harlow)氏は、Wi... http://bit.ly/kjjT9T#smartphone

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