- EU News: Nokia N9 MeeGo Smartphone Set for Europe Release on September 23rd [Video]: In case you did... http://bit.ly/pkxlxO#smartphone
- U.S. News: After I Dumped My Smartphone – 25% Wealthier But Showing Signs of Weakness: By HAYDN SHAU... http://bit.ly/rkYx6m#smartphone
- Blog: スマートフォン情報ブログ | Huawei U9000 IDEOS X6入荷!: Huawei U9000 IDEOS X6は、大ヒット商品IDEOS X5の後継機。SIMフリー版です。最... http://bit.ly/rdRXUn#smartphone
- News: ドコモ、初のパナソニック製スマートフォン「P-07C」 - 8月7日より予約開始: NTTドコモは、ドコモ スマートフォンの新製品「P-07C」の事前予約を受け付けると発表した。全国のドコ... http://bit.ly/qA7Z4Y#smartphone
- EU News: Getting your footing in new media landscape: Readers can download a scanner onto a smartpho... http://bit.ly/n4Iliq#smartphone
- U.S. News: What's In The News: August 5, 2011: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) has topped the list and taken con... http://bit.ly/qgjm3O#smartphone
- EU News: Cramer: Europe to Blame for Market Drop: By GrabNetworks Analysts in the US worry about the... http://bit.ly/qTRYzA#smartphone
- News: RIM、フルタッチ型BlackBerryなどスマートフォン5機種を発表: 現在、同社の端末でQNXを搭載しているのはタブレット型のPlayBookのみだが、QNX搭載のスマートフォンも来年... http://bit.ly/mZCW3V#smartphone
- U.S. News: Orange launched HTC Sensation smartphone with special tariff plans: Today Orange launched... http://bit.ly/ogdss8#smartphone
- News: 特殊吸盤でガッチリ固定…エレコム、スマートフォン用車載ホルダーを発売: エレコムは2日、車のダッシュボードにスマートフォンや『iPhone』を設置できる車載ホルダー3種を8月中旬より新発売... http://bit.ly/nmDXCA#smartphone
- U.S. News: BlackBerry Launches Wireless Accessories For Smartphones: BlackBerry has recently announc... http://bit.ly/pm4KwR#smartphone
- Blog: IDC調査、アップルがスマートフォン市場第2四半期シェア1位に ...: 米IDCは、2011年第2四半期における世界のスマートフォン市場シェアを発表した。四半期ベースで、初めてアップルが... http://bit.ly/qDL5fe#smartphone
- U.S. News: Apple's iPhone 4 rated#1 smartphone: This expensive and heavy device was the original sm... http://bit.ly/qypKco#smartphone
- EU News: Motorola Unveils XT531 Fire Smartphone: The Motorola XT531 Fire, to give the handset its fu... http://bit.ly/mXNss1#smartphone
- U.S. News: Views on the news: Smartphones, charity cuts and five a day parenting: How smartphones - ... http://bit.ly/qZllbU#smartphone
- EU News: Motorola XT531 Fire announced for Europe: Motorola has unveiled a smoking new Android smart... http://bit.ly/qX0gLI#smartphone
- News: RIM、フルタッチ型BlackBerryなどスマートフォン5機種を発表: 今後、BlackBerryのOSは昨年買収したQNXに移行していくとみられるが、今回の5機種はQNXへのアップグレ... http://bit.ly/pbZ5r7#smartphone
- U.S. News: Pre-Paid Music And Android Smartphones From Loopt and Universal Music Group ...: In partn... http://bit.ly/qbBy5h#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphones or sex? A third say smartphones: According to a new survey, smartphone users ... http://bit.ly/rk154K#smartphone
- EU News: BC-US--Business Features Digest, US: 2011, sent Friday; adds INVESTING-WHAT TO DO, sent Fri... http://bit.ly/rmqQ6V#smartphone
- U.S. News: Motorola announces XT531 for Asian, European markets: Motorola Mobility announced a new, ... http://bit.ly/qhO5wl#smartphone
- EU News: Motorola XT531 Domino+ officially official; Heading to Europe as FIRE XT ...: Motorola offi... http://bit.ly/pEEt1c#smartphone
- EU News: Low-Cost Samsung 4G Phone Will Be Offered by Sprint: By Mark Long A low-cost Conquer 4G sma... http://bit.ly/r2fVTx#smartphone
- U.S. News: Jumptap Publishes Smartphone Preference Hot Zones on US Map: Thanks to an interesting new... http://bit.ly/ns9duL#smartphone
- News: フィーチャーフォンからスマートフォン、移植で重要なのは“わかりやすさ”【GREE Platform Summer Conference 2011】: GREEは近年、『モンプラ』、『釣りス... http://bit.ly/pUUilg#smartphone
- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-08-05: EU News: HTC Files Patent-Infringement Suit Against Apple in ... http://bit.ly/nQavVB#smartphone
- Blog: ネオジャパン、スマートフォン専用インターフェースを標準提供する ...: ネオジャパン、スマートフォン専用インターフェースを標準提供する 「Denbun(デンブン) IMAP版 Versi... http://bit.ly/noT8qa#smartphone
- U.S. News: Nintendo president down plays social & smartphone gaming: “It has been said very often th... http://bit.ly/onFzS3#smartphone
- U.S. News: RIM and Huawei unveil smartphones: By Paul Taylor in New York Two companies from opposite... http://bit.ly/nU4ob3#smartphone
- EU News: Branding Brand Receives Strong Competency Marks in Mobile Commerce from ...: The company's ... http://bit.ly/oVLjHe#smartphone
- News: iPhoneが世界スマートフォン出荷台数で首位を獲得: IT調査会社の米国IDCは8月4日、Appleが第2四半期に世界第1位のスマートフォン・メーカーになったことを明らかにした。 App... http://bit.ly/qgq5QM#smartphone
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