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- U.S. News: ZTE posts healthy mobile growth: Earlier this month, Huawei launched its first cloud comp... http://bit.ly/rgGXmS#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphones constitute 41.6% of total cellular handsets in Jordan: A new Arab Advisors Gr... http://bit.ly/ouuc55#smartphone
- EU News: ZTE Corporation : ZTE Achieves 35 Million Handsets Milestone in First Half of 2011: In Euro... http://bit.ly/nVEAog#smartphone
- Blog: スマートフォン向けアプリ【九性占術】を無料配信中! 専任の気学鑑定 ...: スマートフォン向けアプリ【九性占術】を無料配信中! 専任の気学鑑定士があなたの毎日を丁寧に鑑定しております。 ... http://bit.ly/o5NWpf#smartphone
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- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-08-08: EU News: Spinlet Coming to America: Spinlet will hire in the ... http://bit.ly/n2Fitk#smartphone
- U.S. News: DFW Airport Now Offers Deals, Thanks to Foursquare and Your Smartphone: We already know t... http://bit.ly/pvsfQY#smartphone
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- Blog: スマートフォンでの使用に最適・外付けバッテリー: スマートフォンでの使用に最適・外付けバッテリー. 2011年08月08日 カテゴリー:災害対策. スタイリッシュな外見のUSB対応外付けバ... http://bit.ly/r2lua3#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphones or Sex? One-in-Three Say Smartphones: By MOBILEDIA A national survey found th... http://bit.ly/nn1d8t#smartphone
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