
スマートフォン関連情報 2011-08-14

  1. U.S. News: OtterBox Reflex Case for iPhone 4 Smartphone Review: When some people think of Otterbox, ... http://t.co/v48ookT#smartphone
  2. EU News: iPhone 5 is not the first target of Nokia, it's Google Android: Based on the statement made... http://t.co/bjcamei#smartphone
  3. News: ワンタッチ検索でさらに便利に!スマートフォン版マピオンがリニューアル: 株式会社マピオン(東京都港区)は2011年8月9日、地図情報検索サービス『マピオン』のスマートフォン版について、新た... http://t.co/Vj89nVE#smartphone
  4. U.S. News: Capital Bank launches a smartphone-compatible version of its website: In keeping with glo... http://t.co/43Ifuzo#smartphone
  5. EU News: iDisaster: iPhone 5 release date sees Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile lag: Just because of the re... http://t.co/032SUPC#smartphone
  6. Blog: 2400円から購入出来る最新スマートフォン「hiPhone(ハイ ...: 2400円から購入出来る最新スマートフォン「hiPhone(ハイフォーン)5」…ネットで飛ぶように売れている. ... http://t.co/bajbeEj#smartphone
  7. U.S. News: Virgin Mobile Offers Motorola Triumph Android Smartphone Without Contract: Virgin Mobile,... http://bit.ly/oG6O0W#smartphone
  8. EU News: Huawei unveils UK smartphone launch plans: ... Europe via twice-weekly email and save time ... http://t.co/MrNW218#smartphone
  9. U.S. News: Huawei unveils UK smartphone launch plans: Huawei is preparing to offer its first branded... http://t.co/yjAZ9gf#smartphone
  10. Blog: 【2881回】携帯に占めるスマートフォンの割合25%に: 個人放送局・一日一話: TrackBack. TrackBack URL for this entry: http://app.c... http://t.co/xuyXgyX#smartphone
  11. U.S. News: Your smartphone is the wild, new frontier for hackers: AP Security experts say attacks on... http://t.co/FVZ6KWO#smartphone
  12. EU News: Smartphones dominate mobile sales in Q2: Cozza added that replacement sales in Western Euro... http://t.co/30PyB4Z#smartphone
  13. U.S. News: Review: myTouch phone almost replaces camera: Jeff Chiu, AP The HTC myTouch 4G Slide smar... http://t.co/mEkiEsy#smartphone
  14. U.S. News: 'Always On': the world's past, present and future — in a smartphone: Brian X. Chen's new ... http://t.co/A46t94R#smartphone
  15. EU News: Smartphone Sales Cannibalize Feature Phones: By Mark Long Led by Google's Android OS, smart... http://t.co/xpHEOPQ#smartphone
  16. EU News: Jammed: Samsung Android Galaxy Tab S2 banned from market by legal woes: The highly similar ... http://t.co/bfSOrxl#smartphone
  17. U.S. News: Oman Mobile to launch BlackBerry Bold 9900: By A Staff Reporter - MUSCAT — Oman Mobile ye... http://t.co/AmDqm18#smartphone
  18. U.S. News: Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Files Patent for Smartphone Airbags: By David Murphy Wile E. Coyote... http://t.co/xxyYapL#smartphone
  19. U.S. News: Motorola Droid Bionic dual core 4G LTE set to rock: Motorola Droid Bionic dual core 4G LT... http://t.co/yanaAcq#smartphone
  20. U.S. News: HTC Ruby 1.5GHz Dual-Core Android Smartphone Details Leaked: This device will sport a 4.3... http://t.co/V8A05XG#smartphone
  21. Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-08-13: News: GALAXY S IIに新色セラミックホワイトが登場--8月24日に事前予約を開始: NTTドコモとサムスン電... http://t.co/kIkIqsO#smartphone
  22. U.S. News: UCLA Engineers develop smartphone LCDs that harvest light for power: Tired of your smartp... http://t.co/HiNl0ex#smartphone
  23. EU News: The Software Patent Mess and ...: We've seen a number of companies banding together to buy ... http://t.co/3KTlC0J#smartphone

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