- EU News: Stocks fell for the Week on Rising Recession Fears (AAPL, ALL, AMZN, BAC, CAT ...: Samsung ... http://t.co/38HA7Sp#smartphone
- U.S. News: Toronto garden attracts interactive green thumbs: (Kyle FERGUSON / LEAF ) A public garden... http://t.co/jNnt114#smartphone
- U.S. News: Motorola Pro+ smartphone serves as pocketable work assistant: The new Motorola Pro+ smart... http://t.co/l9A8H2g#smartphone
- Blog: ものぐさな人のための「クラウド名刺整理術」 | 小口覺のスマートフォン ...: 至る所で悩みの声が聞かれるのが名刺の管理・整理方法。デジタル、アナログ含めいろいろな整理術が提唱されていま... http://t.co/K5Zqm8V#smartphone
- News: スマートフォンで電子書籍体験!「TSUTAYA GALAPAGOS」で極める読書生活 〜購入編〜: シャープ製のスマートフォン、メディアタブレットはもちろん、キャリアやメーカーを問わず、お... http://t.co/Djo7F76#smartphone
- EU News: Asia-Pacific has the highest penetration of mobile phones in the world: ... in the much fur... http://t.co/i2MjwwU#smartphone
- U.S. News: Nielsen reports 40 percent users own smartphone in the US: A recently released Nielsen re... http://t.co/sWHmrY2#smartphone
- EU News: Robocleaners, Tweeting Refrigerators: the Future Home: With so-called Smart Control for hom... http://t.co/HLzw3ew#smartphone
- U.S. News: Acer unveils Liquid mini Ferrari Edition Android smartphone: Scuderia Ferrari, the racing... http://t.co/gn7y1N2#smartphone
- U.S. News: Verizon Tempts Customers to Upgrade to Smartphones with a Free $100 Gift Card: Verizon Wi... http://t.co/NK8s1vi#smartphone
- EU News: Ten Years Later, the U.S. Is Still a Buy: Apple has 70% of the tablet market, and iPhone do... http://t.co/JMXz84F#smartphone
- U.S. News: HTC Evo 3D: Last month we reviewed the LG Optimus 3D, the first smartphone we'd seen with... http://t.co/qXII3OD#smartphone
- EU News: Galaxy S2: Samsung's 'iPhone Killer' Hitting US Market in Mid-September: By IB Times Staff ... http://t.co/FMWQ7ya#smartphone
- U.S. News: Blotter: Man with gun took woman’s smartphone: Denton police are investigating a case o... http://t.co/HZYUIa0#smartphone
- News: サムスン電子副会長、不安一掃に躍起(上): 売上高べースで世界最大規模のIT企業、サムスン電子の経営トップが「眠れない」と漏らしたのは、米国のアップル、グーグルなどがスマートフォン、タブレ... http://t.co/rdfMhKT#smartphone
- U.S. News: 4 New Phones that Can Hinder Apple iPhone 5's Road to Smartphone Battle Win: Meanwhile, w... http://t.co/nmA7xYf#smartphone
- Blog: 新世代BB研究会 教育現場におけるスマートフォン/タブレット導入の展望 ...: 今回は、「デジタル教科書」をテーマに取り上げ、スマートフォンを高校教育にいち早く実践しているルネサンス高校... http://t.co/EzuJU2Z#smartphone
- EU News: One Ford: Ford Evos Concept Shows Off Global Design Language: The Evos Concept explores the... http://t.co/vcy1hBN#smartphone
- U.S. News: Sony Ericsson to announce a 1.5 GHz dual core smartphone in March 2012?: This week, the b... http://t.co/vSOX2G9#smartphone
- News: サムスンが新型Android端末、5.3型の有機ELでペン入力できる: 米Google社のソフトウエア基盤「Android 2.3」を搭載し、外形寸法は146.85mm×82.95mm×9... http://t.co/iF23DJR#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphone Program Lets Consumers Check Gas Station History: SAN ANTONIO -- Next time you... http://t.co/DZx72TT#smartphone
- U.S. News: A new smartphone for $100: hands-on with the Samsung Conquer 4G: By Casey Johnston | Publ... http://t.co/YeWMRYJ#smartphone
- EU News: Content Insider # 194 - Traffic Jams: In Western Europe, mobile phone penetration has reach... http://t.co/umHRlBh#smartphone
- U.S. News: iPhone 5 Case Suggests Wider, Thinner Smartphone: This time around, we're looking at an a... http://t.co/OpVsvl4#smartphone
- U.S. News: A Brief History of Smartphone [infographic]: Smartphone has been becoming a part and parc... http://t.co/8ZqqYv5#smartphone
- News: 【テクニカルレポート】新たな顧客チャネルとなるスマートフォン、タブレット端末(前編)……野村総合研究所「技術創発」: iPhoneやiPadなどのスマートフォン、タブレット端末を顧客チャネ... http://t.co/ElZUO7l#smartphone
- EU News: Audience CEO: Sound As Important To Cellphones As Touch: Some of their highest-profile laun... http://t.co/bpQGzk3#smartphone
- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-09-02: U.S. News: Android sees growth, RIM gains attention: Android ... http://t.co/7PJdTtp#smartphone
- U.S. News: Lectures and smartphones don't mix: I'm more likely to catch foreheads tilted deskward to... http://t.co/BaVMZEg#smartphone
- EU News: Vodafone to Enhance TV Services With LTE: At IFA, vendors like Samsung and HTC are showing ... http://t.co/J3HWNwm#smartphone
- U.S. News: Motorola Droid Bionic Root Achieved; Release Date Confirmed by New Commercial ...: What's... http://t.co/Hj8qqhb#smartphone
- Blog: 【雑記】スマートフォンは実はすごい危険!?(4):大学生のアフィリで ...: 実際、ウイルスは毎日新しいものが出てきていますから・・・ でも、感染確率を極力低くすることは安全なスマートフ... http://t.co/mn0Ijhn#smartphone
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