- EU News: BlackBerry service disrupted in UAE, Europe, Africa: BlackBerry users in the UAE were unabl... http://t.co/d2GZcGp9#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphones to Detect Bad Breath: Recently, the Worcester Polytechnic Institute researche... http://t.co/7I29piSK#smartphone
- News: [10/10]【CEATEC2011】「未来は、選べる」KDDIが提..: 先日幕張メッセで行われたアジア最大級の最先端IT・エレクトロニクス総合展CEATECのKDDIブースで新技術を使... http://t.co/zLyShi1j#smartphone
- EU News: LG picks fight with Samsung over smart displays: By all indications, the tactics look incre... http://t.co/KD1gQQFd#smartphone
- EU News: Samsung unruffled by tough competition [Alrroya.com (United Arab Emirates)]: Ashish Panjabi... http://t.co/CJ83aAxa#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphone Britain: Ofcom's angst: In the summer a major report from the regulator Ofcom ... http://t.co/qfRupcrQ#smartphone
- EU News: EUROPEAN EQUITY OPENING NEWS INCLUDING: Samsung to delay the launch of a new ...: Samsung –... http://t.co/um2Qj6sY#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphone app allows Longview residents to report city problems: The city has launched a... http://t.co/lI0PtcCb#smartphone
- EU News: Optus, Vodafone Reveal iPhone 4S Prices: The two carriers are set to launch the product in ... http://t.co/MKBn68Yg#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphone Users Nearing 20 Million Mark: The number of smartphone subscribers in Korea i... http://t.co/bjqzFUpr#smartphone
- News: 安全に管理者の作業負荷を大幅軽減スマートフォン簡単導入の決定版: 事業運営で起こり得るトラブルに自動対応経営に便利なインフラで事業を成功させる! 知らないと損する高機能最新デバイスとは? ... http://t.co/OpJiUmXU#smartphone
- Blog: 「魔法少女まどかマギカ」スマートフォンアプリ“マミのドキドキ ティロ ...: PSP「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ ポータブル」の発売を記念してスマートフォンアプリ“マミのドキドキ ティロ・フ... http://t.co/zmv9zUGN#smartphone
- EU News: Samsung Wants Courts in 2 Nations to Bar iPhone: In June, the Finnish cellphone maker Nokia... http://t.co/zPOqyyQu#smartphone
- U.S. News: 'LHSee' released for your smartphone is a real-time Large Hadron Collider viewer: (TheWea... http://t.co/2qzOJtO6#smartphone
- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-10-09: EU News: Samsung Epic Touch 4G Teardown, Lower Price Tag: One... http://t.co/dfvCu0L5#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphone Apps to Soothe the Savage Time Beast: Following are a few good smartphone appl... http://t.co/12TiaKgb#smartphone
- EU News: LG Optimus 3D receives 3D Game Converter: Now available for download for owners of LG Optim... http://t.co/T1T2NMUf#smartphone
- EU News: PC architecture should give way to mobiles: “It's an architectural shift that in essence ha... http://t.co/cNXfLP9D#smartphone
- U.S. News: How Steve Jobs killed the stylus and made smartphones usable: No matter the smartphone, i... http://t.co/uWaTeWDi#smartphone
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