- U.S. News: Smartphone Apps to Manage Health: The smartphone is a device that can do a lot more than ... http://t.co/EKacVsSg#smartphone
- EU News: Idea for smartphone app is great, but can it sell?: Developed in collaboration with Dr. And... http://t.co/PZdWPCL2#smartphone
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- EU News: Here's How the Smartphone Races are Unfolding: ... China and Europe, which led to a sharp y... http://t.co/M4GI2mas#smartphone
- EU News: Galaxy Nexus release date confirmed; ICS Android flagship sails soon: Samsung Electronics, ... http://t.co/tttz61kC#smartphone
- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-10-29: U.S. News: Nokia makes Flexible Kinetic smartphone possible: ... http://t.co/9TjRv8Z2#smartphone
- U.S. News: BlackBerry Curve 9360 launched in Saudi: Speaking at the launch, Sandeep Saihgal, managin... http://t.co/HaflHFYf#smartphone
- Blog: 医師の約3割がスマートフォンを所有―ケアネット調査 – インターネット ...: インターネットコム医師の約3割がスマートフォンを所有―ケアネット調査インターネットコム医師・医療従事者向け... http://t.co/OoybB1kP#smartphone
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