
スマートフォン関連情報 2011-11-20

  1. EU News: Hey everybody! Microsoft's discovered social networking: The French-owned cellco says about... http://t.co/SB5mSFBP#smartphone
  2. U.S. News: How the smartphone changed shopping: Tech-savvy Courtney Tompkins, who always uses her sm... http://t.co/8fj559r7#smartphone
  3. U.S. News: Technology helps holiday shoppers get through buying frenzy: CINCINNATI — Smartphone appl... http://t.co/xo20CGp6#smartphone
  4. EU News: Atrix 2 smartphone beefed up and better: The Samsung Galaxy Nexus, which according to publi... http://t.co/tN3WXLQl#smartphone
  5. Blog: セブン&アイ:電子マネー「nanaco」がスマートフォンに対応: おサイフケータイ対応Androidスマートフォンでも利用可にセブン&アイ・ホールディングス傘下の金融サービス事業会社、セブ... http://t.co/7ry8Sat0#smartphone
  6. EU News: BlackBerry eyes brand overhaul after service blues: The smartphone maker's sluggish respons... http://t.co/QiGyDBZ2#smartphone
  7. EU News: Global smartphone sales up by 42 per cent: Regions such as Asia/Pacific and Middle East and... http://t.co/GLgT8lxx#smartphone
  8. U.S. News: More than 200 million Android devices activated globally, 550K daily: By Iria0000 Apple m... http://t.co/9cvSMkEa#smartphone
  9. U.S. News: Is Amazon's Smartphone a Smart Move?: In this segment the guys discuss reports that Amazo... http://t.co/9Yu6oqdU#smartphone
  10. U.S. News: Romo Smartphone Bot Is as Easy To Build as Plugging In Your Headphones: It's not the firs... http://t.co/8BCFddHQ#smartphone
  11. U.S. News: http://t.co/I9rFR5WO - HTC Sensation XE Android smartphone video review: The HTC Sensation... http://t.co/x84PuNMU#smartphone
  12. EU News: Post-9/11 tradeoff: Security vs. civil liberties: Starting in 2007, Khaki says he was subje... http://t.co/FDbIRtv5#smartphone
  13. Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-11-19: Blog: スマートフォンで映画レンタル!TSUTAYAが新サービスを開始 – シネマ ...: [シネマトゥデイ映画ニュ... http://t.co/96gdglpA#smartphone
  14. U.S. News: Yuhnke Commentary: Android smartphone designed with women in mind, box full of ...: When ... http://t.co/zXwuOPPx#smartphone
  15. U.S. News: Four reasons you should buy a camcorder: Consumer camcorders may not record perfectly cri... http://t.co/Ln2DODMX#smartphone

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