- EU News: Takiff: Apps for holiday shopping: REALLY QUICK RESPONSES: Point a smartphone camera at one... http://t.co/5RNdBIBU#smartphone
- U.S. News: Former Apple subsidiary loses patent spat with HTC: FlashPoint complained to the ITC abou... http://t.co/ygV89ITe#smartphone
- EU News: Canadians Can't Let Go of Work Even When on Vacation: But be honest: do you still see your ... http://t.co/kZJDIDBx#smartphone
- Blog: SBとauがiPhoneでガチンコ勝負!MM総研、スマートフォンの通信速度 ...: MM総研は2011年11月29日、各キャリアから現在発売されているスマートフォンおよびタブレットを利用... http://t.co/16DB3t40#smartphone
- EU News: Orange coaxes customers to buy smartphones with Facebook: 15, 2011, 4:00pm PT 1 Comment Ora... http://t.co/i6z17ofs#smartphone
- U.S. News: Will your smartphone get the new Android update?: The Register has had a look at the late... http://t.co/ReSDcNS4#smartphone
- U.S. News: Why Do You Care What Smartphone Someone Chooses?: BlackBerry and Android users are just a... http://t.co/JRMvdLEb#smartphone
- EU News: Ixonos' Test Laboratory Certified as the First Authorized MirrorLink Test Lab ...: The clie... http://t.co/THV9saDd#smartphone
- U.S. News: Dialaphone Urges Smartphone Users To Tighten Security And Back-up Their Data: Nearly half... http://t.co/fTxwnX3H#smartphone
- U.S. News: Keep Your Smartphone Secure And Free From Mobile Hackers: With the number of smartphone u... http://t.co/yrcbbLWe#smartphone
- EU News: Tablets "cannabalising" TV consumption: Portable tablets like the iPad, Galaxy Tab and Touc... http://t.co/KsrySBmd#smartphone
- U.S. News: iPhone 4S causes UK iOS smartphone uptake to triple: Everyone knows that the release of t... http://t.co/lEZ8Di9P#smartphone
- U.S. News: A great gift for kids is a lesson in finances: By Jayne O'Donnell, USA TODAY If your chil... http://t.co/tgODuDue#smartphone
- EU News: Tiffany sales warning hits luxury stocks: Apple fell 0.8 per cent to $373.20 and Google was... http://t.co/hTqlNttI#smartphone
- EU News: Buyers Circle Yahoo, RIM Expands Enterprise Servers to Android/iOS, ARM ...: ARM, keen to p... http://t.co/EpjBBpZK#smartphone
- U.S. News: Apple Has A Plum With China Passing US As Largest Smartphone Market: China has leapfrogge... http://t.co/uaiIMPjI#smartphone
- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-11-29: EU News: Stay in touch: Avoid excess data charges on your sma... http://t.co/ugbBjp9y#smartphone
- EU News: Apple beats Android in Britain: O) Android had 35 percent of the British smartphone market,... http://t.co/CvYwwOhO#smartphone
- U.S. News: RIM Enhances Smartphones Security Features for Corporate Use: The move, announced on Tues... http://t.co/Vfd0kMVw#smartphone
- Blog: 「IT産業」第2回デザイン活用セミナー「スマートフォン・アプリ、新しい ...: 主催者 石川県、(財)石川県デザインセンター、(社)石川県情報システム工業会 ■開催日付 2011年12月... http://t.co/GkgXdNOJ#smartphone
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