- U.S. News: Smartphone App Gamifies Driving Safely: Four college students who've dubbed themselves Te... http://t.co/MF4YZuHK#smartphone
- EU News: US court rejects Apple request on Samsung sales: The San Jose lawsuit was the first in a fl... http://t.co/CkuC5ZO7#smartphone
- EU News: NUTS: Apple, Amazon Battle for Tablet Supremacy, AT&T Suffers Setback on T ...: The company... http://t.co/y28Li9EU#smartphone
- Blog: メールの添付画像の送信について - スマートフォンはgooスマホ部に訊け ...: docomoのギャラクシーS2を使っているのですが、 auユーザーの方にspメールで画像を送ろうとすると... http://t.co/6xOOo0wS#smartphone
- U.S. News: Big rise in online purchases made with smaller devices: She said 1 of every 3 orders on e... http://t.co/o08XN7rT#smartphone
- U.S. News: Judge rejects Apple's request to block Samsung smartphone and tablet sales in ...: While ... http://t.co/ot0TltD2#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphone Spyware Possibly Invades Users' Privacy: INDIANAPOLIS -- Hoosiers who use Smar... http://t.co/wKrshSkN#smartphone
- U.S. News: Fitch: Smartphone Penetration to Exceed 50% by end of 2011: CHICAGO, Dec 02, 2011 (BUSINE... http://t.co/NZyUZRB6#smartphone
- EU News: NDP MP pushes for standardized phone chargers: I have a Samsung smartphone and my son has a... http://t.co/TSuYh07n#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphone Software Raises Phone-Privacy Fears: Little-known software installed on millio... http://t.co/dzYwvyLN#smartphone
- EU News: Google Dives Into Brick-and-Mortar with First Android Retail Store: Four major smartphone m... http://t.co/eIkGTpEg#smartphone
- U.S. News: Is Your Smartphone Carrier or Manufacturer Spying on You?: In short, there's a company ca... http://t.co/L16kHHVy#smartphone
- EU News: Stocks rally as unemployment rate falls: The smartphone maker said it will miss its full-ye... http://t.co/s3gKe8bf#smartphone
- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-12-02: EU News: BlackBerry remains Canada's most popular smartphone,... http://t.co/d6Xxm5qN#smartphone
- EU News: Full update and round-up of Carrier IQ tracking software scandal: By Lee Kaelin On Wednesda... http://t.co/lKDKwx06#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphone's watching you: By Brendan Lynch The Bay State's senior congressman is calling... http://t.co/OOAm32gt#smartphone
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