- U.S. News: Samsung Droid Charge 4G: Droid Power for Only $129: The Samsung Droid Charge 4G is not on... http://bit.ly/ihnGFc#smartphone
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- EU News: Facebook crashes advertising industry party: Beyond more sophisticated targeting, Facebook ... http://bit.ly/mwWgYo#smartphone
- U.S. News: LG Optimus 3D smartphone is on sale now at The Carphone Warehouse: By Chris Martin MOBILE... http://bit.ly/jXUv1Y#smartphone
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- EU News: Nokia N9 not coming to UK?: Just a week after finally unveiling the brilliant N9, Nokia cou... http://bit.ly/jzQfxY#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Samsung Galaxy Z is the Galaxy S II's Cheaper Cousin [Samsung Announces Galaxy ...: Samsu... http://bit.ly/jJLR8B#smartphone
- News: auのスマートフォン向け音楽サービス「ドワンゴMusicストア」: ドワンゴは、auのAndroidスマートフォン向けの音楽配信サービス「ドワンゴMusicストア」の配信を開始した。 「ド... http://bit.ly/meeI32#smartphone
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- U.S. News: HTC Sensation 4G Review - A Sensational Smartphone: Its clients were smartphone and Pocke... http://bit.ly/lPxOyg#smartphone
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- U.S. News: UPI NewsTrack Business: NEW YORK, June 30 (UPI) -- Market tracking firm Nielsen said smar... http://bit.ly/le8N0e#smartphone
- EU News: Scientists develop a smartphone application to monitor bats: “iBats volunteers are currentl... http://bit.ly/kxOKr5#smartphone
- U.S. News: Scientists develop a smartphone application to monitor bats: Scientists in London have de... http://bit.ly/k9zh9x#smartphone
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- EU News: Google Android apps record 4.5 billion downloads: In the past four years Apple's revolution... http://bit.ly/jCk1AT#smartphone
- EU News: Nokia N9 won't be available in the UK, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, and many ...: At leas... http://bit.ly/l9xRYq#smartphone
- U.S. News: iPhone Users Embrace Video More than Other Smartphone Owners: A little less than one-thir... http://bit.ly/mP9Pg4#smartphone
- Blog: DeNA、ブロードテイルを買収。フィーチャーフォン向けコンテンツを ...: SWF変換エンジン「ExGame」は、フィーチャーフォン向けにFlash Lite 1.1で開発されたSWFコ... http://bit.ly/m2POaK#smartphone
- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-06-30: U.S. News: AT&T Launches HTC Status: the Smartphone With a Fa... http://bit.ly/irRkYk#smartphone
- EU News: RIM: Baird Sees Developers Stray From 'QNX,' iOS, Android Gain: ... about their preferences... http://bit.ly/ifrfet#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphones Dominate US Mobile Purchases: By Mike Isaac If your last cell phone purchase ... http://bit.ly/m8O1b2#smartphone
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- EU News: T-Mobile to Get HTC EVO 3D with 4G AWS Radio?: ... HTC EVO 3D Plus for Europe and if it com... http://bit.ly/lM4UE8#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Smartphone sales continue to grow past feature phones, Nielsen says: From March to May, 5... http://bit.ly/ioaVD2#smartphone
- EU News: Bc-Business News Preview: ROCHESTER, NY Embattled photography pioneer Eastman Kodak Co. is ... http://bit.ly/khtZ1B#smartphone
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