- EU News: Stocks Rallied for Biggest Weekly Gain in 2-Years (AA, AAPL, AMZN, BAC, C ...: According to... http://bit.ly/ipo5Z6#smartphone
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- EU News: Samsung Wave 578 gets a subtle makeover: Remember Samsung Wave 578, that NFC-enabled Bada-b... http://bit.ly/mLzlK1#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Technology news: N9 Smartphone to reach the island in two months: Nokia said in February ... http://bit.ly/lcb7h6#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Behold: The $6800 Android Smartphone: Called The Link, it's Tag Heuer's entry into the sm... http://bit.ly/kXfC8w#smartphone
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- U.S. News: US Phone Buyers Dump Dumb, Get Smart: By Erika Morphy Apple's iOS saw a growth spurt in N... http://bit.ly/kabFpd#smartphone
- EU News: The Navigator: The risks of summer travel to Europe: “Be aware of new security guidelines, ... http://bit.ly/lDWXGE#smartphone
- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-07-01: U.S. News: Samsung Droid Charge 4G: Droid Power for Only $129... http://bit.ly/joAI2I#smartphone
- EU News: INTERVIEW: Synchronica CEO Carsten Brinkschulte talks RCS: I agree that smartphones have ea... http://bit.ly/iqVu11#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphone Apps for Cheaters?: HOUSTON - Several smartphone apps are being marketed towar... http://bit.ly/mkOiSi#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Samsung Conquer 4G Budget Phone Set for Sprint Ride: Samsung is all set to conquer budget... http://bit.ly/kHGsxd#smartphone
- EU News: Stat Shot: LTE isn't yet taking over the mobile world: For Deutsche Telekom, 43 percent of ... http://bit.ly/iCagtb#smartphone
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