
スマートフォン関連情報 2011-07-03

  1. U.S. News: Why Smartphone Security Has to Come Front and Centre: For the last few days I've been usi... http://bit.ly/mhG8T4#smartphone
  2. EU News: Samsung: Galaxy S II sold 3m units in 55 days: Samsung Electronics said on July 3 that its ... http://bit.ly/iX8F5J#smartphone
  3. U.S. News: Five Steps to a Successful Enterprise Wireless Strategy: Q: More and more enterprises are... http://bit.ly/jUwk2y#smartphone
  4. News: ソニー・エリクソンは、NTTドコモから発売しているスマートフォン「Xperia arc」(SO-01C)の機能バージョンアップを7月6日に開始すると発表した。: 今回の機能バージョンアップ... http://bit.ly/jO9E6B#smartphone
  5. Blog: たまごかけニュース : 国内スマートフォンシェア、AndroidがiOS抜く ...: 日本のスマートフォンのOSシェアでAndroidがiOSから首位を奪ったと、 調査会社のコムスコア・... http://bit.ly/iW1sSx#smartphone
  6. News: NTTコムがスマホで050IP電話サービスを開始: NTTコミュニケーションズは、7月1日、同社が提供中の050IP電話サービスの拡大版として、スマートフォンで使用できる「050 plus... http://bit.ly/lw0Bzz#smartphone
  7. U.S. News: Smartphones Bring Risks Into Businesses: By Peter Ferenczi | Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:06 pm A c... http://bit.ly/jCX7qb#smartphone
  8. EU News: LTE users forecast to exceed 150 million by 2014: In January at the annual Consumer Electro... http://bit.ly/l8DHW1#smartphone
  9. U.S. News: Are smartphones creating tech addicts?: Kareem Ahmed, Leonardo Hagmann and Eddie and Mimi... http://bit.ly/k9PAei#smartphone
  10. U.S. News: Samsung Hercules, the 'Demi-God' approaches; Can iPhone 5 survive?: The Galaxy S2 smartph... http://bit.ly/jumqF1#smartphone
  11. News: 軽さに驚く縦スクロールのスマフォ「INFOBAR A01」デビュー!: 6月30日携帯電話メーカーのauは、自社ブランドの「iida」から、初となるスマートフォンを発売。同日から7月3日ま... http://bit.ly/mNqGdF#smartphone
  12. U.S. News: Nokia aims to be leader in smartphone market: By CHRIS V PANGANIBAN DOHA: Nokia and local... http://bit.ly/mC4e56#smartphone
  13. EU News: First Microsoft, now Google: Does the government have it in for consumers?: I've had a smar... http://bit.ly/jUcAZR#smartphone
  14. U.S. News: Will Smartphone Users Elect the Next President?: An army of Conservative Smart Phone user... http://bit.ly/k40lsl#smartphone
  15. U.S. News: US Smartphone Sales Rising, Says Nielsen: More than half of all mobile devices purchased ... http://bit.ly/kU9Oeu#smartphone
  16. Blog: スマートフォンに向く充電器ランキング! - マックンのメモ日記: スマートフォンを利用する人の中には、付属のACアダプターが使えない外出先で充電が必要になった経験のある人も多いと思います。... http://bit.ly/jguGbL#smartphone
  17. News: 2位のiPhoneが拡大し、首位Androidは横ばい――Nielsenの米スマートフォン市場調査: 米AppleのiPhoneはこの数カ月、米スマートフォン市場で最も高い成長率を示してい... http://bit.ly/lffgoo#smartphone
  18. U.S. News: Cheaper smartphones to widen net in North Africa: Smartphones by manufacturers such as Sa... http://bit.ly/mrNHgR#smartphone
  19. EU News: Phone makers engage as China gets smarter: "With markets such as the US and Europe quickly ... http://bit.ly/l9tsJU#smartphone
  20. U.S. News: How to Save a Wet Smartphone or Tablet: No matter how careful you are with your smartphon... http://bit.ly/myQuDr#smartphone
  21. Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-07-02: EU News: Stocks Rallied for Biggest Weekly Gain in 2-Years (A... http://bit.ly/io76Ui#smartphone
  22. U.S. News: Yuhnke Review: New HTC Sensation Android Smartphone outshines others: T-Mobile continues ... http://bit.ly/iwJX5t#smartphone
  23. EU News: HP TouchPad nice, but unlikely to take a bite out of Apple: To be fair, there are 7000 apps... http://bit.ly/l2O5vZ#smartphone
  24. U.S. News: Samsung Epic 4G Among A Group Of Smartphones Helping Real Estate Agents: The Samsung Epic... http://bit.ly/ksltK7#smartphone
  25. U.S. News: Smartphones used in life-saving procedures: Smartphone . . . Check. Smartphones may becom... http://bit.ly/jcEZ5j#smartphone

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