- U.S. News: BlackBerry Bold Bold 9930 Allows NFC ID Badge Recognition: Research In Motion (RIM) has l... http://t.co/Vm4q2COe#smartphone
- EU News: The Week In Technology: 6 Stats You Need To Know: Smartphone-industry sales have been going... http://t.co/jhfYatrd#smartphone
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- U.S. News: An app a day keeps the doctor away?: Ninan, a thoracic surgeon at Centennial Medical Cent... http://t.co/NNCrQRaC#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Sony Ericsson Arc - And Its Amazing Features: In March of this year, Sony Ericsson added ... http://t.co/15cz8fM6#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Smartphone apps help cyclists explore the world: Nowadays, cyclists want to log their dis... http://t.co/rNQdqYSc#smartphone
- U.S. News: SanDisk shows off 64GB microSDXC card: The card is compatible with any tablet or smartpho... http://t.co/1XOoLCwg#smartphone
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- U.S. News: The Data Buffet Is Open (Grazing Welcome): By RANDALL STROSS ALL the data you need on a s... http://t.co/qONpjXYN#smartphone
- EU News: Flaherty sounds warning on Europe debt crisis: By GrabNetworks Research in Motion (RIMM) sh... http://t.co/FKp1fHl5#smartphone
- U.S. News: iPhone 5 release date on tap says Sprint boss, plus budget iPhone 4S: The release date de... http://t.co/xuLcXIZw#smartphone
- Blog: NTTドコモUSA、米国でAndroid搭載スマートフォン「Nexus S」発売 ...: NTTドコモの米国現地法人NTT DOCOMO USA,Incは、現在米国で提供している日本人向... http://t.co/6QDHziV2#smartphone
- EU News: The Data Buffet Is Open (Grazing Welcome): By RANDALL STROSS ALL the data you need on a sma... http://t.co/dLf0gFvF#smartphone
- U.S. News: 3rd Generation of the VW Beetle: Got a Smartphone? Get the latest news and information fr... http://t.co/5bqqsnff#smartphone
- News: 東京ゲームショウ2011=ソーシャルゲームを多数展示: スマートフォン(多機能携帯電話)やタブレット型携帯端末の市場の広がりを受け、会員制交流サイト(SNS)を通じて遊ぶ「ソーシャルゲーム... http://t.co/cwwKmd43#smartphone
- EU News: Samsung Galaxy S II: Could be king of the Android smartphones [Video]: Apple is suing Samsu... http://t.co/3XdDVBag#smartphone
- U.S. News: Samsung Galaxy S II: Could be king of the Android smartphones [Video]: The Samsung Galaxy... http://t.co/7U7vh8HJ#smartphone
- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-09-17: News: ソニー、プレステ搭載のスマートフォンを発表 巻き返しへ: PlayStation Certifiedスマートフ... http://t.co/loAgDZcj#smartphone
- U.S. News: Windows 8 on iPhone 5 release date and iPad market share: But unlike the Windows Phone sm... http://t.co/gBNhu2nS#smartphone
- EU News: 'Clients are in far better shape than in 2008': ... where we have won a large transformatio... http://t.co/qAe23cIr#smartphone
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