- U.S. News: Keiji Inafune: handheld consoles don't need to fear the smartphone... yet: Nintendo has m... http://t.co/vVGWCsxT#smartphone
- EU News: Orange launches first SIM-based Android NFC smartphone in Europe: Orange has already commit... http://t.co/LNjtHQHZ#smartphone
- U.S. News: Verizon begins limiting bandwidth of heavy 3G smartphone data users: Verizon Wireless (NY... http://t.co/rKYBcPOc#smartphone
- EU News: The most difficult job in the world? Apple advertises for two 'guards' to keep ...: This is... http://t.co/X29XZdzB#smartphone
- U.S. News: Top Reasons Why Android Smartphones Can Never Kill iPhone 5's Glory: By IB Times Staff Re... http://t.co/A3ncgrD1#smartphone
- EU News: Saying Goodbye to Wallets, Hello to Smartphones: From there it's on to Europe. What this me... http://t.co/wtnh8uat#smartphone
- U.S. News: LG unveils Optimus Q2 QWERTY slider, slated for Korean launch next week: LG Electronics t... http://t.co/mP2frJzU#smartphone
- EU News: Samsung Files Counter-Attack on Apple's iPhone and iPad in Germany and Australia: In the la... http://t.co/UtxIi9hJ#smartphone
- U.S. News: NPD: Consumers Balk At Buying Traditional CE Products Online: Smartphones also showed a m... http://t.co/OWT443ZW#smartphone
- News: DeNA小林氏「僕ならZyngaの客単価を5倍にできる」意見百出したソーシャルゲーム論: さらに今年に入ってからは日韓のNHNがタッグを組んで、スマートフォンへ注力している。森川氏は今後、... http://t.co/q2DrkY2W#smartphone
- U.S. News: Windows 8 for Smartphones, Too? [Microsoft Windows 8 Demonstrations Show ...: But will Wi... http://t.co/JJzr57M8#smartphone
- U.S. News: 'Subconscious mode' could boost smartphone run times by over 50 percent: By Ben Coxworth ... http://t.co/v90qBVDk#smartphone
- Blog: スマートフォンやタブレット等モバイル関連記事(2011.9.1~9.19 ...: BUILD:スマートフォンへの道を歩むWindows 8 - ITmedia +D PC USER ht... http://t.co/b6qmH2qc#smartphone
- U.S. News: LG Unveils LU6200 Smartphone: LG is set to launch a high-end smartphone after releasing e... http://t.co/b9RUIO82#smartphone
- EU News: No Chips in His Faith: STMicro, which consolidates all of ST-Ericsson's revenue and half of... http://t.co/zBAuHvFU#smartphone
- EU News: Indices seek more exotic exposure: The First Trust Nasdaq CEA Smartphone Index fund, for ex... http://t.co/HuxO1jOV#smartphone
- U.S. News: Best Android Phones in India - Sep Edition: Drop the names of such smartphones in the com... http://t.co/sX4a0us4#smartphone
- EU News: Weekly Outlook: September 19, 2011: RIM (RIMM) sheds -19% but market fallout is contained a... http://t.co/8PrqIBnp#smartphone
- Blog: スマートフォンOS戦国時代 | BLOG 未来館のひと: 現在、スマートフォンのOSとしては、Androidの他に、Apple社のiOS(iPhoneに使われているOS)、Microsof... http://t.co/jKLoH93m#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphone market to surpass 44% by 2015: In-Stat research forecasts that the proliferati... http://t.co/karbofAn#smartphone
- U.S. News: Information Overload: Interface allows control with a kick: By CJ Castillo My smartphone ... http://t.co/T5NMwczT#smartphone
- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-09-18: U.S. News: BlackBerry Bold Bold 9930 Allows NFC ID Badge Reco... http://t.co/xvRdYGF5#smartphone
- EU News: Extreme risks from new cybercrime threats: Smartphones are no longer just phones, they are ... http://t.co/MKSmkmuM#smartphone
- U.S. News: Have a 3G smartphone with unlimited data with Verizon? Who cares, prepare to ...: Verizon... http://t.co/Tq9WnaIx#smartphone
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