- U.S. News: Rim releases BlackBerry Curve 9360 in UAE: Similar to the latest BlackBerry Bold 9900 sma... http://t.co/g2td5VQX#smartphone
- EU News: Samsung Galaxy Nexus vs Motorola Droid RAZR: Battle of Android's Big Boys: The Galaxy Nexus... http://t.co/CXJlH64P#smartphone
- Blog: “女子力”診断アプリ「顔面女子力」無料配布中! -@cosme ビューティー ...: 携帯電話全体に占める販売数量構成比が、今年の8月時点で約50%に達したというスマートフォン。モバイル... http://t.co/ftGMxQcS#smartphone
- U.S. News: High charges discourage smartphone use abroad: By Travel News · October 23, 2011 · No com... http://t.co/DOsrDTlK#smartphone
- U.S. News: iPhone 5 Release Date: T-Mobile Explains Why It Is Not Selling iPhone 4S: Many T-Mobile U... http://t.co/vGJB1A4q#smartphone
- News: 【特別企画】端末は基本性能が重要……Galaxy S IIに変更した理由: 各キャリアがAndroid搭載スマートフォンの新製品を次々と発表している。来年はさらに競争が激しくなりそうなモバ... http://t.co/hOdslj1Q#smartphone
- U.S. News: Samsung ahead of Apple in smartphone sales in S. Korea: Samsung Electronics Co outpaced A... http://t.co/Lv4zzpKR#smartphone
- EU News: Samsung takes smartphone title for Q3, but may not keep it long: The company is also taking... http://t.co/duoSInLs#smartphone
- EU News: Windows Phone 7 hits the one year milestone: The Windows Phone 7 smartphone platform is now... http://t.co/AWTFP39m#smartphone
- EU News: Sprint Cancels Unlimited Data For Hotspots, Tablets And Netbooks: Sprint has announced that... http://t.co/6gPhsQF0#smartphone
- U.S. News: HPB launches health smartphone app tailored for Singaporeans: The HPB has also launched t... http://t.co/lehPeXQQ#smartphone
- News: 安全に管理者の作業負荷を大幅軽減スマートフォン簡単導入の決定版: 事業運営で起こり得るトラブルに自動対応経営に便利なインフラで事業を成功させる! ICT戦略を激論!申込はここから The ... http://t.co/kKRenXrq#smartphone
- U.S. News: iPhone Boosts Verizon Smartphone Sales: Verizon's 2 million iPhones comprised 35 percent ... http://t.co/ZRUmWoMF#smartphone
- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-10-22: News: 安全に管理者の作業負荷を大幅軽減スマートフォン簡単導入の決定版: 事業運営で起こり得るトラブルに自動対応経営に... http://t.co/wAv908Gj#smartphone
- News: 腕時計型スマートフォンが登場、7500円の無保証品: 「腕時計型のスマートフォン」という、ユニークな製品が直輸入で発売された。ノーブランドの「GSM Watch」で、実売価格は7500円(... http://t.co/s434y9YN#smartphone
- U.S. News: Telefonica to Offer Split Personality Smartphones in Europe: By Nick Clayton As increasin... http://t.co/yaqGZ5e6#smartphone
- EU News: Steve Jobs Promised To Go "Thermonuclear" On Android: These quotes definitely give some bac... http://t.co/Z9AyAgkX#smartphone
- U.S. News: Android 4.0 Vs. iOS 5 Faceoff: Google and Apple introduced new versions of their smartpho... http://t.co/4ndKx0d8#smartphone
- EU News: AUO Demonstrates New Generation Mobile Display Technologies at Japan's FPD ...: In one step... http://t.co/MZuyfrGl#smartphone
- U.S. News: Top 7 dumb times to use a smartphone: Smartphones are great. Who would have ever thought ... http://t.co/GmOAL8vw#smartphone
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