- EU News: iPhone 4S sales amazes market watchers: Then the elongated wait for the next smartphone wor... http://t.co/kIUfbxMc#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Apple takes 56% of AT&T smartphone activations as iPhone 4S hits 1M: Apple retained a maj... http://t.co/cRQuC0Xd#smartphone
- U.S. News: Windows Phone 7.5 Mango: Lots of improvements, no 'killer app' yet: Times tech reporter N... http://t.co/dVCDs07a#smartphone
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- U.S. News: New Huawei Mobile Hotspot, Smartphone Rumored for Sprint: The second Huawei device has th... http://t.co/6wuU9FwP#smartphone
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- U.S. News: LG DoublePlay, Android Smartphone on T-Mobile: LG applied the same logic to mobile phones... http://t.co/KpaT5wey#smartphone
- Blog: 【ショットノート キングジム】スマートフォンに保存・手書きメモをデジタル化 ...: 使い方はとっても簡単で、メモの四隅にあるマーカーとスマートフォンの枠を合わせて撮影するだけで、メモがス... http://t.co/o68bLYxW#smartphone
- U.S. News: HTC Gets a Taste for Deals: By PAUL MOZUR HONG KONG—Smartphone maker HTC Corp. is still k... http://t.co/P2krLHyq#smartphone
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- U.S. News: Preview: HTC Sensation XL: Smartphones seem to be getting bigger and bigger — Samsung's G... http://t.co/xul9kVNw#smartphone
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- EU News: Crucial Test for Nokia as Latest Smartphones Arrive: Time is not an ally for Nokia in the f... http://t.co/KyIX5HX2#smartphone
- U.S. News: The Smartphones Battle is On: iPhone 4S vs Nexus Prime vs RAZR: By Kristin Mariano | Octo... http://t.co/3THBFFh0#smartphone
- U.S. News: Nintendo Battles Smartphones With Hulu, 3D: With its dominant position in the world of de... http://t.co/zt3btJz0#smartphone
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- EU News: Research In Motion needs coherent strategy: The survey, undertaken last month before the la... http://t.co/maDqzikW#smartphone
- U.S. News: Smartphones To Top 18.5 Million: By Computer Daily News | Sunday | 23/10/2011 Australians... http://t.co/dqN1uH5x#smartphone
- U.S. News: Halloween planning goes high-tech with smartphone apps: Halloween is just about a week aw... http://t.co/FgCtxrPe#smartphone
- Today's Digest スマートフォン関連情報 2011-10-23: U.S. News: Rim releases BlackBerry Curve 9360 in UAE: Similar... http://t.co/ciixaKRa#smartphone
- U.S. News: "Final Fantasy XIV" to Get PS Vita, Smartphone Support: Square is considering both PlaySt... http://t.co/KzidSQDW#smartphone
- EU News: Samsung Galaxy S II Technical Review Reveals it is Dressed To Impress at $144: Just launche... http://t.co/fdh0NkPH#smartphone
- News: PCの横に置いたiPhoneをキーロガーに: iPhone 4以外のスマートフォンでも、最近2年間に発売されたモデルであれば同様に使用できるという。なお、同様の処理をマイクロフォンで行う研... http://t.co/GjGKT0Ad#smartphone
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